of Faith,- 26 5 I cannot prize thee, lcannot receive thee, I cannot willingly part with my Sins, Duties slid Comforts ; I cannot tea on Chrift alone, nor auft on him ; Lord turn me, work Faith in me of thy free Grace. If and haf found nothing of this, I fay, never foundeft Difficulty, much lefs Impoffibility ; and hence thinkeff,`thou haft always believed, and never dillrufted God, thy Faith looks that like be the Faith of the fpecial Operation of God. When the Lord bellows any Grace or Nlercy upon any Soul, he firlt lets them fee the Want of that Grace, and their Need of it, that fo they may be humble, and made to prize it, he lets them fee where their Help is, that it is only in himfelf, and not in any Creature betides,. 1141 xiii. 9. In me is thy ,help; that fo the Soul may look up to himl. felt for it, and receive it of his Grace thank fully, and may not boaíl, but cotifefs, it bath nothing but what it hath received ò Hence Saints are dependant, poor Creatures ; Without me ye can do nothing; ;cannot believe, when they fee it their Duty to believe, yea, find a migh- ty Averfion and Opp'ofition hereunto, that they cannot get overcome; and hence there Expreffions of the Saints,yer. xxxi.. 19. Turn me, O Lord, and I ¡hall be turned. Cant. i. 4, *Draw me, we will run after thee. Lam. v. 2. Turn vos O Lord God of Hofts. Hof. xiv. 3. Take away all Ini uity. Pfal. exit. 35, 3 6, 3.77 But