Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

Of the Fß cient ('aufe But thou never foun4ft this Inability, never inournedft becaufe of this, and becaufe thou couldft not help it: The Spirit never made it thy Exercife, yohn xvi. 9. He convinces of Sin, becaufe they believed not : Oh! This Faith is of thy own Framing, a mere natural Faith, that will never fave thee, or unite thee to Chrift. Sign (3.) Faith of the Operation of God proceeds,and grows out ofthe Deffrudion and Death of its oppohte Evil, viz,, worldly, and felt Confidence. f ohn V. 44. How can ye be lieve' that receive Honour one of another : In an unfound Faith both thefe grow together, and live together peaceably. 'Tis natural for Men to trui in themfelves, and Duties; for that Covenant, promifing of Lite upon Con- dition of Obedience, is naturally engraven upon every Man's Heart ; hence, when di- fireff Man bath his firt Recourfe here why, 'tis natural, and Man loves Salvation dire this Channel ; to win Gold, and ware, to work for it, and get it ; here is Honour ; and hence,here ,he lives, this Trade he drives, bakes his own Bread, .yea,tho' he might have .ife by Chrift, yet will not come to him fir Life, this is the more creditable Wayof Live- lihood : I-Ience,when the Lord erefts a Build- ing of Grace, and to (fop every Mouth, and fence Boafting for ever, his Method is to ding down the old Bt;ildin , to divorce a Man,