of Faith. 267 Man, and turn him out of this Shelter, to let him fee all his Duties, Performances, Graces, to be but empty Fig Leaves, infuffi- cient to cover his Talcednefs, as a menftrous Clout, that fo the Necefftty of Christ's Righ- teoufnefs may be Peen, and itheartily fubmit- ted unto. The old Building is calf down, that the new Building of Grace may be e- re&ed z Cor. V. 17. All Things are become new, andold Things are done away. John xii. 24. Ma- ny defined to fee Chrift, but he told them, . xcept a Seed of Corn die, it cannot live. It was fsrft fulfilled of himfelf, ere he could draw all Man after him, he behoved to be dead, or lifted up; and we muft die, that we may live ; Your duties, Life, peace, Joy and Com- fort which is by the Law muft firil dye, ere ye can live from Chrift This Husband muft dye, ere ye can be married to the Lord jefus the fecond Husband : And as a Man oppofes Chrift and his Grace, by adhering to his own Righteoufnefs; fo loth he oppofe Chrift as the Soul's compleat Reft,in adhering to the World and Comforts thereof, in which he leeks, and finds force belt: Therefore iii ft a Man in Meafure dye, and the Glory ®f thefe wither, ere the Glory of the Lord berevealed. Hence . it cornes to pats, that many receive the Word with yoy, but they fall away ; becaufe of the. 7-horns. Jer. 4. Sow not to your felt among Thorns. Many truít on Chrift and on the World too ; Chr