268 Of the Efficient Caufe Chrifi cafes their Confcience, and they flee to him for that, and the World fatisfles and comforts their Hearts, and they cleave to it for that End : So that if thy Heart never found the Pirternefs of Sin, Emptinefs ofthe World, Sinfulnefs and Infufficiency of all Du- ties, but lives trufiing in them ; 'tis not a Faith of the Operation of God. Sign (4.) The Faith of the Operation of God is begotten, maintained, and nourifh,- ed by Prayer. I believe, help my Unbelief. Mark. Lord inereafe our Faith. If thy Faith be of the right Make, it bath coif thee ma- ny a Prayer, and it is in the Exercife of fe- rions Prayer that it vents mof} freely, and is nourifhed : But the prefumptuousFaith,the common Faith that cornes nor from God is not gotten by Prayer: But a Man can believe in that Manner when he will, as he can eat, walk, and iieep, though he pray not for Strength to do thefè Things: Hence a found Faith decays or grows, according to the Increafe or Abatement of the Spirit of Prayer. If it be not fo with thee, know it, however thy Faith give thee Peace for a. while, yet when Death and Eternity flare thee in the Face, then (hall the Unfound- nefs of thy Faith appear, it will not bear thee up in the Dayof thy Vifitation,but f11all leave thy Soul defolate, and comfortlefs,and ield thee no moreComfort than if thou never hadit