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ofFaith. 269 halo 8. TheHope of theHypocritei'hall perf, Saints can do nothing without ChriF, hence they find, that fometimes they cannot fir hence they go to the Lord; Ohl Quic- ken viz, and we will call on thy Name. Sign (5.) When theLord works this laving,. fpecial Faith in the Heart of any poor Sin- ner, he difcovers his Hand rin it, nd that it is of him, in making ic the the Call So 1 is made to the Gofpel, y Seal believe, bear and carry the Stamp and of God's Majefly upon it ; there is fuch a marvellous Light ftruçken out in the Soul, difcovering the Neceffity of believing, the rich Advantages thereof, difcovering Chriif's Love, Beauty and Glory, glorious Treafures of the Gofpel, anfweri g all Obje Crea- ture fuch marvellous Cl , ever could do,fuch an authoritative Com- mand enjoining Faith, as the Maje y of het , ftrikes the Soul with fuch an Awe and verence,that it dares not difobey fuch a clear, convincing,thining Lighr,as overcomes Unbe- lief ; fuch Love, Kindocis, Lovelinefs in Chrifft's Invitations, as mailers and conquers the Soul that it cannot but yield. f er. iii. 23. Hence Sohn vi. They hear the Voice of the Son of God, and live ; and if this Glo- ry be hid to any, it is to the Loft. 2 Cor. iv. 4. when thus it is, it is' a Token that the Arm of the Lord is revealed. Now the Soul p .