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of Fâith. 21I Apoffle hath a Word ; for after that we have known, or rather are known of God: Sign (7.) Faith ofthe Operation of God difcovers it felf in making the Soul willing- ly and freely come to Chriff, and dole with him. A Man in the Day of Chrift's Pow- er Ihall find, as it were, hitnfelf rolled on Chriff, as if he were carried on a Wave of the Sea, Mat. xi. 3p. Chrift's Yoke is eafie, he is made like the Chariots of Amminadib. Pfal, cx. 3. Thy People fhall be willing its the Day of thy Power. When the Lord draws, then the Heart runs, believing is then eafie : The Soul, as if it had Wings, fleesfor Refuge to the Hope Jet before it. And the Soul finds it felf carried with a marvellous irrefiftible Pow- er, fo as no Rubs in the Way are found. Pfal. cxix. I will run the Way of thy Com- mandments when thou haft enlarged my Heart. I know indeed, at firft there arc ufually Tharp Throws, and the Lord's EleEt find them- felves,when under the Call of God,many rimes come to the Birth, and have no Strength to bring forth ; and for fome . Time flick in that Extremity, but when the Throw, or Shower, or Word cornes, that brings the Man-Child to the World ; then the Soul eafily and irrefi- flibly comes; all Impediments and Rubs are taken away, a high. Way is prepared for the Lord, Sign CS,)