v Faith: 273 ter the Lord? Nó. The Priefis Paid Where is the Lord ? iVi c. iii. i r. and yere üú. to. compared with yer. ii. 8. Sign (9.) This Faith of the fpecial Open' ration of God .,is a powerful,efficacious Faith ; 'xis a livin ;, not a dead Faith it proceeds from a. living, eternal Spirit And there- fore it quickens, and powerfully operates or the Soul,and kyrlres it Leif in its Efficacy and Working ; it gives, Peace to the Confcienee. and marvellous Tranquillity of Mind,it purl Pies the Heart : GOd's Word is a Fire, and hammer: It is thus efficacious,' alive, pow erful, purifying the Heart, and f}icring up to new Obedience. Where-ever it is, it is nill working, and can no more be idle than the Fire can be. The common Faith is a dead, ufelefs. Faith, making no Change Alteration or. Work in the Soul where it isd I john- iii. 3. garkes ail. '20, 2 r. UJe S. Of Thankfulné.fs : To all filch aù have received this precious Gift of :Faith,and who now by it arc united to the Lord. Jefus; and ¡unified : Oh! Remember with Thank. fuinefs from whom ye have. received it, be ready to acknowledge, this'' Grave, give hire the Glory of it; never fhotld.f thou have feen thy Sin and Mifery if the Spirit had net con winced thee of Sin : Thou íhouldff have flood aback, all thy Life-Time, and lien in, the Pit