274 Of the Efficient Caufe Pit of Perdition,unlefs the Lord himfelf had coneand drawn thee out ; when thou wouldft not come, even after when called, did he not put forth his Hand, and draw thee to him ? Give him then the 'Praife of it, ac- knowledge that it is he that hath made thee difer, and love him who worketh all thy Works in thee, and for thee. Ufe 6. Of Caution : (i.) Do not think that all natural A&ions do not proceed from God, as well as Faith; for in himwe live and move, and have our Being, (z.) Tho' L`n- believers, unregenerate Perfons cannot be- lieve; yet renlember,there is anHabit,andSeed of Faith in all fuch as the Lord hath quicken- ed, whereby they may be properly Paid able to believe, though that Power, or Habit can- not ad, but when, and as it is furred up and adulated by the Lord ; hence, without me ye can do nothing. (3.) Tho' Man can- not believe by the Strength of Nature, yet ceafes it not to be Man's Duty to believe ; our Duties are not meafured by, or propor- tioned to our Ability : But our Inability to pay our Debt Mould make us feels unto the Lord jefus. (4.) Do not think that the Lord, though he works Faith, that . there- fore he may be laid truly to believe, fee- ing he aas efpicientlyi and not formally he is not the' Subject recipient of the A& of Faith, (5.) Do not think that though the Lord