Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

of Faith. 275 Lord work Faith in us, that we are mere Blocks and Stones therefore, and a& no- thing at all ; no, but being aEted. we ait and, though formerly dead, and unable to 1hr, yet now quickened and drawn ha the Day of his Power, we are made a willing People, and run to him, and come willing- ly ; and fo much of the Efficient Gaufe of Faith : Next follows the End of Faith. aC:DóOC)0©©0CDC0 o9C7COC + CHAP. VI. Of the End ofjullifying fait& E E I NG all Aciions are fpeeified from their principal Objeits, Ends and Manner of tending, and having fpoken of the Principles both efficient and fubje&ive of Faith, of its Obje&, and of its Manner of aiting ; it remains, that, in the laft Place, we fpeak fomething of the End of Faith. The utmoff and laft End of Faith, as of all other Actions, is,no Doubt,the Glory of God, of whom, to whom, and thro' whom are all Things ; and to whole glory we lkouldnot only eat and drink,but believe ; this is the Tendency of Faith, and the Believer's S z De-