f jtt fleying Faith. 77 rifving, pleating, and ferving of God, by a. Conformity to him in Heart, Will, and Ac- tions, and fo in being wholly renewed after the Image of God : Bleffed are they that dwell in thy Houfe, they jhall ever praife thee. Blef ed are thÿ Servants (laid the Qieen of _Sheba to Solomon) that Rand before, and minifier unto thee ; and hence 'tis theGlory of the four Beafis and twenty four Elders, not only to fee his Face, who fitteth on the throne ; but they Jerve him Doty and Night, and cry Holy, holy, holy Lord ,God of .HO/l s. Key. iv. As this is the Soul's Salvation, fo cloth the Sinner come to Chrift for thefe 4. Ends, (i) To bp quite of Sin, both of the Guilt and Power of it, it cannot rafter Sin 'I1heref'ore it comes to the Lord, that he might fubdzie Iniquity, and take away all Sin. Hof. xiv. 2. Sin is the greateft Evil ; Had a Man all the Comforts that the World could give hire ; if his Sins were not wafh -- en away, he were but a miferable Man Therefore doth the Soul truly fenfible of Sin come'to Chrift for this End, to remove Sin,to deftroy its Power, to wafh, and cleanfe it from its Filth and Pollution. (2.) It not ply coinesto get the Power thereof broken, and Filth of Sin waihen away, but to, get the Guilt thereof done away, to be juft<f- ed, reconciled, and put in a State of Fa your, to be pardoned, and get all the Ef- S gets