of auflzfying Faith. 279 r ?'hefe 71ings are written that ye might believe, and that, in believing, dye might have Eternal Life. 'Tis the Soul's End in coining to Chrift, that it might have Life : And as Faith is an Agent to the Gofpel, this is . the End thereof. It is true that I faid,that our Salvation was the material Object of our Faith ; It is fo, but its intentional Ob- je& which it eyes, and to which it hath a Refped, and for which it comes, is Chrift As the Conclufion in a Syllogifm is the ma- terial Objed of Affent, which is believed, the Premifes are the formal Object ; and becaufe I would draw an Aff'ent to fuch a Conclufion, I chufe fuch Premifes, and af- fent to them fo ; as the Conclufion, tho' it be the material Object of Ahènt, is yet truly the End of the Syllogifin, and of hint who forms and makes it : So here it is the End of Faith, though it be the (Meet of Faith. Salvation, which is the End of our Faith; is truly enjoyed in this Life, 'tis begun, but imperfec`h ; in heaven, after this, it is per- fed and confummate ; hence it eminently gets the Name of Salvation; Salvation asbe- gun and as confummate, are both the End of our Faith. Having fpoken to this elfewhere at forne Length, I (hall not now much% iuü:,, thereon, only refolve one particular Cafe, viz.'" now to know whether our Ends in comir S4.