Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

Of the End to Chrifl be right or not:. fhall there fore give thefe five Signs by which to judge of the Sincerity of your Ends in coming to Chrift. (i.) When you come to honour Chrift When the poor Soul faith, Oh! Lord I have been difhonouring thee all my Life-Time; no`vv Lord make me holy, give me Grace to honour thee, make me thy Servant. (i-) Then is thy End right, when thou clofeft with Chrili for all his Benefits, not for come only ; when thou feekell the Lord to mortifie all Sin, to make thee thine in every Grace, as well as to fave thee from Wrath and Hell. Hof xiv. 2. Many would have Chrift to fave them from Hell and Wrath, to eafetheir Confciences ; but all his Terms pleafe not. (30 When thou cornea to Chrill for him- felf : For give a foundly humbled Soul all the World, all Peacel all Holinefs, it would not fatifie; Oh! Himfelf, The Virgins love thee. A true conjugal Love pitches upon the Per- fon of the Beloved chiefly : A falfe Hypo- kTitical feeks .(his) his Comforts, his Bene- fits ; Ye fetk me for the Loaves i Cor. i. 3 o. He that gloried)) let him glory in the Lord. (4.) When thou feekeft not only Peace, cand Q_uietnefs,and fome Comfort from Chrift c 'feekeft thy Ileart-Satisfaaion in him. 3 Sam,