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o f uflìfying Fail& This Contentednefs and Willingnefs, refpeas the Nature of Things themfelves, but Faith looks to, and refpeds their Truth, Futurition, and Existence. Rev. xxii. 17. If any Man will, here is the Difpofition of the Soul for Believing ; Let him take of the Plater of Life freely ; * here is Faith exprefs'd by taking or receiving ; fo that they are difringuifhed This Willingnefs is indeed a Si bfniffion to the Righteoufnefs of God, which the legal ,yews had not, and vvi hich is neceflary to all that be lieve, but ,it is not formal Beliing S E C T . . ill. What Faith is : And its pofi ive 1 ef,I-1 E Reverend Affembly of Divines the Larger Catechifm, and Shorter, exprefs Faith truly and fitly by receiving of. Christ : And Mr. Shepherd in his Sound Be-. liever, exprefles the Act ofFaith by the Soul's corning to Chrilt, which are but different Exprefl ons of the fame Thing, and both of them Scriptural. Yoh. i. 12. and vi 35. But fome may further ask, what this receiving of, and corning to Chrift is By what Aá s of the Soul do we come to, or receive Chrift, or be lieve on him ? And therefore, I anfwer, That Faith be- gun, or virtual Faith, or the ;Seed of Faith 13 z i5