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Of the : 71,1àmi0r9 not filch an Affert that 'Reprol.ati~s, have . why, becaufeof a fpecifick Difference arifing from the FOrm thereof, or the Manner of the Agent ; for Things are diflinc.i, and coati- tute, in their diain& Kinds, not , by their Matters which are common to Things of a- nother Kind, but by their particular Forms: Confider therefore in its Material Att, which is Affent, it is common to Devils, Saints, and Reprabates; but confider this A.fYent a.iaag 'in fiach'a Manner , and' ter- minatèd to filch an ®bjea, and by which it is c®nffitutive of juttifying and laving Faith, it differs exceedingly, yea in Nature, from that which is in Devils or Hypocrites. C H A P. IL of the Manner; or Form of Faitliv BY what is laid, it may be perceived that faving : Faith differs from temporarÿi, Faith, not in the Notion of Affent, Which ij common toboth, but in the Form, andMan- ner of that Aflènt> It is true, Faith_ being `. an Aft or Habit, is a certain of Form. . tothe Subject in which it is, or is inforanat.ive ir, but accidentally : But, as in Regard of