Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

or .Form of .Faiths '23 of the Subjc&, in which the Habit or A& of Faith exifcs, Faith may be called an accidental Form of that Subje& ; in RefpeE it is force Way conflitutive of the Subject, in a different Manner fromwhat it waswithout that Form ; ffo the Manner of that Act, by which it ads in fuch a Way and 'Manner, may be called the Form of that Ad ; beeaufe, by fuch a Manner of acting, that Ad is diverhfy'd from other Ads, and put in a feveral I:ind : For look unto Scripture, and ye fha.11 fee the fame Name given to the Faith of Saints, Hypo- crites and .Devils lfa xlviii,"2. compared with ga, 1. io. /Vic. iii. t r. yam- ii. penult. Yana. ii. 13 and 1Matth. xiii. _ .20. Xis viii. 13. Now, tho' in thefe Places it be Paid of both Elea and Reprobate promifcuoufly, that they believe; yet certainly it ¡snot the fame Faith they have, and that which makes it not the fame is the diflin& Forms : Look as all living Creatures are compounded of one Matter. Gen. i. . But they differ in their fpecifical Forms, which figures the fame Matter van- ova-1y ; fó the material Ad of Faith, affent common to both Hypocrites and Believers, yet differs in its Form. Now, becaufe every Ad is fpecified from its Object, Principle, and Manner of tending which is the Form thereof I will therefore (peak of the Manlier of Faith's acting, by which it is difeinguifhed from unfound Faith: 1, Y Thy B 4 C