or Form of kaith. 2 5 Deny the Lord Love, and you give him no- thing : What the Man's Heart goettf not along with, that is not counted as done by the Man, but counted as the Deed of a dead Man, f arnes ii. 14. without this Faith i dead : Therefore this Faith mull be a cordial Be- lieving, not a dead, heartlefs Belief of the Truth. (3.) B,ecaufe otherwife it is a fruitlefs dead Faith, flames ii. 14. and fo cannot pro- fit, if the Heart go not alongff ; but that the Affent fwirn only in-the Head, it will not give Peace, Comfort, or Satisfa&ion to the Heart, it will not purify the Heart : This cordial believing is all one with a lively Faith, ' and Life is the Principal Operation and A.ai- . on. If thy Faith be not Lively (which it cat-I- r1ot be, uniefs Hearty) it will not operate, it cannot be fruitful, it.profiteth not. (4.) It MLitt be lively or hearty ; becaufe the Seed of it, the Word of God, is a Iiving Word, Yuba vi. 68. And when the Lord draws the Heart to himfelf, he (peaks to the Heart, Hof. 14. t Zinn. i. 15. The Gofpel is not only a faithfrd Saying,a,nd fo tobe believed,but is aSay- ing worthy of a ? Acceptation: All living Crea- tures beget living Creatures, a living Word begets a living Faith. (5.) Besaufe the Spi- rit of God Both not paint out the Privileges of the new Covenant, but holds them out really, and as they are ; and hence the Heart is here- ,rith 4fl'eaed : They are made to fee with the feeing