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.6 . Of the Manner, feeing of the eye, Yob" xlii. 2. Hence there is a fecing of the Son, and then a believing on him, 2 Cor. iii. 18. Thofe Things are feen u.c in -a Glafs. The Glafs reprefents the true Species of Things. Hence Chrifl and. his Be- nefits are Peen really in their own Glory in fore Meafure, look as when the Lord in hum- bling the Sinner, difcovers Sin and Wrath really, hence the Sinner is affe&ed, and mourns ; another knows his Sin, and rational- ly is conviCred of his Sin, yet his Heart is not touched, but continues in his Sin ; be- .caufe he fees not Things really, thefe are painted to him ; the conceives of Sin, as his idolatrous Mind reprefents it; not as it is in it kif; and fo in f Bing fees -not. Ifai. vi. 7. hence is not affected. So, when a Man, by the `marvellous and glorious Light ofthe Go- fpel, fees Chrift's Grace and Glory; becaufe he fees, Things as they are, his Heart cannot but be affected ; but when thefe Things are not feen as they are, they are believed, but the Heart is not touched When a Lion is really Peen, then there is Fear ; but paint a Lion, and none trembles at it : Hence, be- caufe the great Things of the Gofpel are really 4ifcovered, as in a Glafs, hencef the Heart is afeded. (6.) Becaufe the G p and the Promifes are holden forth particular- ly, and particularly applied; general Truths, uniefs particularly apply'd, affeet not but