or Form of Faith. . Merits to make Ufe of him ; hence called, the Work of Faith. He that . eateth mefhall live by me. There is a vivifick Virtue and Ef- ficacy in this Faith ; or Affent for iris not a mere Speculation, but'cis a Heart affeefing Agent and therefore is it operative and fruitful. Ufe i. Hence all dead Faith is rejected.' `fam. ii. 14, 20. Such a .Fíiti) will not profit thee. There is much of this mind of Faith, at this Day, amongft Profeffors ; there is a Hand, but no Mouth, nor Stomach ; there is an Aflent, but it works not by Love There is telling on Chrif¿, but no telling in him: As in Noah's Time, when the Deluge of Waters came upon the. World, many might flick and hang by the Sides of the Ark, and climb thereinto for Shelter ; but the Waves at laft waffled them away, none were faved, but finch as wan in into the Ark ; fo unlefs thou win in into a Grill, be united with him, and implanted in him, as a Branch is in the Stock, fo as to derive Life from him, and grow up with him ; never look to be Paved, tho' thou lean unto him in the Day of thy Difrefs Ifye give nevcó fo much Meat to a dead Carrion, it will no. feed or nourith it ; fo whiles dead in thy reJ paffes and Sins ; and till the Spirit of Life create Life in thy Soul, hone and truft wilt, it will not poet, Wo ro that ,art.