©r .. Form cf Faith. 41 Bt that this Affurance, and Fullnefs oil Affent may be the better underfiood, I ,:hall firft prelude fome Things iieceffary to be known. (2.) I thall flow the Necefilty of this AffCrarlce, or that it is. (3.) In what R fpe t the Aflent of Faith is full, firm, or ftrong. (4.) What is that Meafure of Alfurance, or Fulnefs of Alfent that is re- q lite. (5.) Answer forme Objections. Firfi then : I premile (1.) That the Affent of Faith may be terminated either, to the Prineiplc.s let down in the Golpel, which are the formal Objea of Saving Faith; fuch as, Crr-ifi bath corm; to the World, bath dy- ed, ar :i 'iatis.f;. d .jafiice for our Sins, and that Lie and Remif ìon of Sins is offered through his Blood, and that if';ue believe ue ,fail be fxved. That Çhr.ift is an Aíl--fuif i- dent Saviour, and the like and tefe, as they' muff be believed, and cordially embrace- ed fo muff the Afebt given to them be .lull ; our Minds and IJTuderianding muff in fome Meafure be affurcd of their Veri- ty, and this I fuppofe none queftion. Or (2.) The A.fent of our Faith may be termi- . Dated to our own Salvation, which undoub -- edly'our Faith looks, and bath a Refped top when we clofe . with built, and this is the material, Obje&t of Faith, which is affcnted to, or believed; which Belief and A.fl'ent is grogidea, onthe formal Object of Faith, and this