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or Form of Faith. 43 Commands : This Affurance as we deny not fo do we not maintain it the only Affurance. (3.) Both thefe Affurances, ei- ther of Faith or Knowecige, we maintain in this Life to be imperfe6t, as we maintain all Graces, Jo' r we know but in Part. Altho' many Times there may be fuch an Affurance attained, both of Faith afting direCtly on the Promifes, and from Knowledge feeling and pexeiving the infallible Fruits of E- leCtion n themfelves, as may fill the Heart with yoy eakable, and as if it were per- fed, ake away all Setife of Fear & Unbelief for the Time,tho' by the returning ofthe Cloudt after fuch Sun-fhines, its Imperfedion kythes; even as in the Exereife of Mortification, a Man's Loft may appear fo mortified, as if it were altogether eradicated out of the Heart : The Chriflian may find fo little of it furring, fo is it here. In the fecond Place, I Al 'how you that it molt be fo, that to whatever Faith affents, as its Object, ic cloth fully- ailent to ; and with a certain Perfwafion ; there is a Depth of Earth that it bath ; there is a Meafure of Fulnefs cf Faith, which Hypocrites attain not unto ; and for this confider (r.) The Expreflions and Names under which Faith is holden forth. Heb. xi. I. It is called, The Evidence, the Argument or Demonara- tion of Things notlea; tAvyn4. It's a demon- . 'Imam%