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of the Manner; ing fuck : a heavy Sentence, are not put ou to fly froi the Wrath . to come ? Is it be taufe they think not on, or know not fuch Things) or 'becaufe they believe them not at all, but ofeerrr them as meer Fables ? Truly no, but becaufe{_they ' believe them not fully,, 'they are not Certainly ' perfwaded of this, that they are herein concerned, they have Fearsit may be fo,but,they'have Hopes and Thoughts it may be= otherwife : °And therefore halting betwixt two Opinions, they remain indeterminate, and continue in a finful, prophane Courfe 'of Life Now as it is in the Matter of Law-Conviaions ; fo is it in the Gofpel : A convinced Sinner will never heartily embrace Chriít, love him, do for him 'taro his Back upon all his Sins, un- til he' be in` 'forne Meafure perfwaded of Chrift's Love, and good Will towards him : Such á' .Meafure therefore of Faith as " fheds the Love of , Chrifi abroad in the Soul, and fo cönftrains it that it cannot do ought again the Truth, and that 'bakes the Soul to know ffrretnii°g of the Joy of the' Lord, which the Soul's 'Strength, Neb. viii. Io. and as brings forth the Fruits of Faith, fuck a' Meafure is needful I fay.' Hence in Bohn xvi.` 9. He will convince,,. or evidently demon- firate to "Men, as it is in the Original,their Sin, and not only will convince them of Sin, fo as their Ptefumption flan have no-