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or Form of Faith® for he is much weaker, becaufe this Strength is but by Occafion of raging Humours which are in the Body, and doth not proceed from any natural Vigour in them So I fay,the Spirit, by forne external Objets, works mightily on a Man, and hence great Af- feEtions and Enlargements, but thefe are not the Works of the Spirit in a Man,they corne not from a Principle of Life, but are occa-, honed by the external Operation of Objeas, and external Principles, which not being a natural Operation, cloth foon fail. Many, at lean forne, rejed and mock at this, they think none really believe, have no Degree of Faith, really reft on Chrifi, but only in Ap pearance and ProleiTion do fo, but only. Saints and gracious Perfons ; that refling in. Chrift, and rating on Chrift are all one ; whole Ignorance is more to be pitied than contended with ; and when they become bet- ter acquainted with their own Hearts, and Heart Exercifes they will think otherwife, and be of judicious Calvin his Mind, who MI his third Book of Inftitutions, P. 186. clear- ly and loudly refuteth this Doetrine. SECT. H Some Objeaions anfwered. J N the fifth Place I fhall anfwer fome Ob- jeaions. /34t ere I come to anfwer the D 3 Objeai-