Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

or PorNz of ,Faztk Faith, in not only aí%nting to the general Truths of the Gofpel, f4ch as, Clirift . died 'for Siiíners, That he z's: aile tofave to 'the útteiL, . n?óft allthat cone to ham";; thathe rofe again from the ,Dead), and that he is a merciful high Prieft, that he catnìe.tó ,thìá`'Iorld to ar;e S1n, saers, 41d efficacioufly fiVetiï i'ome ;"which is indeed the Subflance Of the G.ofpel;,ï'and the fornnal.®bjea of juflifyirig fides all trais, I fay, Faith reaches and applies a particular Good unto it felf; groün- ded indeed on thefe general and fundamental Truths, and ttië Command f God Effec`t.Adam in the 'State of Innocenéy9ii=gfit llave` flood,. did he ',believe ` God to in all his Sayings,- arid' that he was good, holy and Omnipotent ; and that in Extremi- ty he was to bemailed in for an- tecedently to the Promife, he had no °G'reftitid Of full and particular Perfwafion of Salvation through the Name of Chrif$; JuflïfyingFaith applies all particularly to it felt, inferts its own ,Name in the ,,ovenant of Grace, laying afide the Vail of general Notions. Flenee, when I fay, That in áll Faith there -is ,parti. Cul al.' Application; 'the-MeaningiSinot, that it is' a. particular Perfoíì that believes; nbr yet thá,t -filch a particular Perfon believes a parti- eúla'r' Tru`th , as that Chrift calls -Matthew ö>` l'atd;, but it is the Application of . a général Truth to the Soul it `felf, whether it be Mer- 1 E cy