Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

or Form of Faith. r7 Thou haft no ,Right faith, Unbelief The Spirit therefore clears the Soul's' Tiile, by making it to confider the Fréedoni " of God's Covenant, on which it corirnmands the Soul to lay Hold, and to -make it its Title, and to found all its 'Claim thereon." ,Sam. xxiii. S. The End of"the Prornifes, which were made for this End, 'that 'we ihduld be- lieve,which ìnakes,witlrthe Coznmaiid, the In- definite general .Promifes of the- Goí`pel 'equi- valent ' to a" Particular : : WaYnot th`e. Pro- mife .to us, or were -we riot'-at all ;concer- ned in it; I fee not `how: we íhouldMeddle with it leis or möre And from this it is,that there is Groundof bel.ieving_of:.,the Prornifesof the Gofpel,of Life 'ard 'Salvation thro' Chrift jefus, when we cannot,nor have any Warrant to believe other fpeciál`and extráoidsháry Pó- mifes made to föme l'artiti.ilats,'Ia's'thë abOv® mentioned Prcm.ifes made to David, ham, and fiez,ekirah, besaufe .the. Command of God enjoins us to believe' the ode; and not the other, to be "aceom°plifhed.rto .bur felves : Likewife it is clear froiri Gc:d's'Word, That the very End of thefe particular and extraordinary Promífçs, 'was only for :tide particular Perfons to"whm they were mide,, but the Gofpel, and pràn.ifes thereof were proclaimed, that all 'night believe, that we might take Inffrurnents; as it were.;. for if the 1.6...had coanniandcd' all_ within, the *vi. E 4 fible