`Of 'the' Nlanñer, upon him, as he may fear, and queftion his Belief : thereof: So a Man 'may truly a1fent, to the Promifes, and particularly apply them, and yet dare not fay they are`hise And thefe Things, as I fuppofe, on all Hands gtanted, I cannot fee what thould give Occafion to fo much Strife and Contention. However, what I believe as a Truth, 'I will fet down, and . clear, and reduce to thefe four or five Heads: (t.) What is it that the Soul doth, believe in ofifcation ? _ (2.) By what 14Es doth the Soul particularly. apply the Prámifes ? (3.) ,Reafons f"hewing that thm it mull be... (q-.) ObjeElions,anfwered. 5.) I'ballgive force praEical fifes. SEC °` . What is it Faithparticularly applies. T Shall infff the fhorter while, in dilcuifanc, this uefiion, in that I propofe to `meet with, and fpeak to it' in the next Chapter, concerning the Oboe& of Faith'; Only this much I would fay, That Faith applies to it fell the formal Objea of Faith, or any Goy fpei Propofton ; it . not only faith Chrift is fufficient to five Sinners in general, but to fa`°e me : Not only whoever believesjhall be faved, but it oftints particularly to this, If I believe