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or Form of.Pùth believe I ihall be faved. his Offer, this Promife is to -;nee, I amcalla and comman- ded to believe'; 'and' this particular Applica- tionof the Promife, I think,, none. deny ; yea, it is very ® For unlefs the general Promife beparticularly applied, the Soul will never clofe with it particularly. 2dly, Faith applies Salvation, which is the material Ob- left ofFaithparticularly : This I find fome few to deny,; but it is clear froth xv. 13. and I shall further clear it : So that Faith, in clofingwith Chrift, does not only believe he is gracious,that he died for Sinners, and for the Sinner in particular ; but likewiíe believes thathe (hall be faved though his Death For Faith looking toJefus Chrift, and all his Be- nefits in the Promife, it unites the Soul' to Chrift ; and fp;it beholds Chrift, and all the Privileges of the new Covenant as its owns and it now really, and firmly believes its own Salvation This is it which Faith believes, tho' not at all Times, nor with the like De- greeof fubjeive;Cett,inty, but many Times weakly. S Ea