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orlforM'o'.F4ita the Affetioris go out after,, and;clarps. about, and embxaoe`s it. Hence He&., _xi. theWorthies 'there recorded, not only 7..t/ére perfwadedof the Promifis, but they esmrAceed them ; they fir.{t fa* them ofrïr of, thee -** : perfwaded of them, and., finally embraced them. Takeme a`Man; tlíat-u`e,ve.r found the "Evil of Sin, nor ;the Weight ®f the Eurden ;. of the Wrath of God, tell: hznZ of a Sav.ioür, to'fave him. from `hisSins, and the Wrath tp t come ; be may ap- prehend and think upon this, but his Heart is 'nest affedèd with, nor g.oeth out after it as .a good and defireable Thing; becaufe he never found the Evil of the Want of it s But the humbled Sinner, cruth'd with the Law, When Salvation through Chrift is propos'd to him, he is zharvelloufly takéri' up therewith, he looks 'on the Gofpel as goodNews; 0 that,I might be Paved ! O that .I could _believe d Salvation 4,s; pleafant tohim, tho' he cannot tell if evet get this Salvation : Tiis. is the hïngeriigátér Chrift , he longs to be faxed bXChrift: This Aa is likewife applicatáry. (3.) By EleEtion, yohn i.12. tho' the Soul, in believing, Cloth likewife choofe Chrift; yet is :,not this AO', of Eleftion the formal Aa of Faith (as fog): think) but it isa Concomitant ó Faith, '.and' an Adjnnec; 'fs' ; thing elfe but Love tending 'towards one ;par- ticular Objea, and rejeti.ng_.of others,-whi.c' before this determining Ad of Eledici9 re