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The Table. I. Fromour conformity to him. 39 i. From his having received allfulneffe tofill us. 40 3. Fromour growth making up hip fulneffe, as he rdmyfical' confdered one:with us. ibid. 2. R eaf. FromGod the Father, who t . Hath appointedevery one their meafure. q.t 2. Hathpromifed it. ibid. 3. Hath appointedmeansfor it. ibid. 3. Real. From the Saints themfelves , who cannot be faved unlefe they grow. ibid. CHAP. II. An explication how the Saints doe grow. ,Many confiderations to fatisfie the tentations of thofe that difcern not their growth. 42 Confid. moregenera, (hewing What fort ofC'hriflians this tentation doth ufually befall. ibid. 2. Confid. rroP.eparticular, As 1. Thatgrowing ingrace it a Myflerie rather to be apprehended byfaith, then by ferf. 44 2. The eager defare Whichmany have togrow, andattaine to more grace, hinders themPm difcerning their growth. ibid. 3.`Thepropreffe is not in mart' fo d f ernable, as the change at their firfl converfan is, or as their.frflgrowth. The reafns ofit. ibid. 4. To di cernofgrowth there mull be time allowed. 45 5. There arefeverall wayes by which menare brought to that meal;ere ap- pointed them, in which_Tome have the advantage or others. ibid. i. Some have a greater flock ofgrace given them at firfi : which is done in two cafes. 46 a. In the manner ofgrowing, Codputs much difference, 1. SomegrowWithout intermifon. Some Codfooner ripensfor heaven. ibid. CHAP. III. What it is to bring forthmore fruir, explicated negatively, by removing many mflakes. 46 I. It is not togrow onely or chiefly ingifts, as abilities topray, andpreach, or in knowledge, but in graces. 47 Three cautions herein. ibid, 2. Otis brining forth more fruit it not to be meafured. by thefaccef fe of our gifts, the fruits ofour doings, bui by the Doings themfelves. 48 a