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The Table. The reafons of thepoint. 64 CHAP. II. The Wayes Godufeth topurge out corruption out ofhis children, with the means by Which he caufeth them to grow to afurther meatre therein. I.Occafionall. 2. Inflrumentalí. 3. Examples. 4. InwardWorkings, which con/Iflr infive things. CA A P. III. The Tryall of growth in Mortification. I. By negative fagnes, or fesch as argue much corruption remaining unpurged out. As 71 I. If a man cloth magnifie andfet a high price upon worldly and carnal' excellencies andpleafures. ibid. 2. Ifour minds be carryed out tofuperfluities, and more than needs, andare dafcontentedWith our owne condition. 73 3. Ifour minds be fogloved to any thing, that we know not how to part With ir. ibid. 4. If our hearts be dia tempered under variety of conditions, and are very inordinate in them all, Whether they be profperous,or adverfe. 74 5. The more carnal! confidence We have in the creatures ; and our fjiirits being up held by them. 75 6. The morefullofenvyings and heart- burnings againfl others, as toge the credit from them, (mec. ibid. 7. The leffe able we are to bear reproofsfor the breakingforth ofour lufls.76 8.Themore quick and f eedy the tentationú; inprevailing upon the heart.77 9. The more power our lulls have to diflurb iu in holy duties. ibid. io. If the bare recalling for mer fins committed, prove anewfnare to entice theheart. 87 CHAP. IV. 2. The Tryall ofMortification by pofitive fagnes, which argue a good degree ofthat Workin the heart : fIs I. The moreinfght a man bath into ffiirituallcorruptions, ioyned With a con- flill again,fi them. 79 2. The more we grow up to areadineffe, Willingnef fe, freenefje, and cheerful- nefie ofheart to deny our(elves. 8o 3. The morefiable, eaven, and confiant We are in well doing, and the more durable anholy frame ofheart in us is. 8r 4. The mnre ffirituall tafle cnd reli b of the ffirituall part of the Word We have. 82 65' ibid. 66 67 ibid.