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The feverall forts of bran- ches that prove unfruitfull. The 7ryali of thecharaaeriflicall differences between true and unfound bran- ches, and one maine fcope ofthe parable ; and this the Syriack tranflation makes for alto, and confirms it, Omnempalmitern qui in me non fert frtoRum, Every branch which in me bringeth not forthfruit. And there is this reafon that this fhould be his mea- ning, that He never reckoned them at all true branches ; Be- càufe that is the difference God puts betweene thefe and chofe other, that Thofe that bring forth fruit, his Father purgeth, that they may bring forth more fruit. He lets them not run fo far out into fin, as to become altogether unfruitfull : But there he takes away : So as true branches were never unfruitful!. The Ufe is to air up all that profellc thennf:lves to be in Chrifi, to examine whether they be true genuine branches of this true Vineor no. Herein this Kingdome, Chrift is fpread forth into a faire and pleafant Vine in Phew, as this earth affords : But ifwe Minifcrs were able with this Husbandman here, to turne up the leaves of formall profefliton, and looke with his eyes, we fhould difcerne that there are but a few true branches indeed to be found in flourifhing Congregations, as Ifaiah foretold there fhould be in Irrael, Ifa. 17. 5.6. Like the gleaning grapes, two or three in the topof the uppermog bougb, foure orfive in the out- mofifruitfufl branches. Now for a generali help to difcerne whether you be true branches, confider, that union with Chrift is it that makes men branches, that is, men are accounted branches of Chrift in re- gard of foure union with him : and fuch as their union is, [itch allo is their communion wich him, and accordingly fuchbranches are they, and fuch theirfruit. i. Some (and indeed the moll) are united to him but by the externall tye of the outward Ordinances, fuch as their obligation made in Baptifine : and are knit to him thereby, no otherwife then many graffs are, that do not take or thrive in their Rocks, onely Rand there as bound about by a thread ; and ratable is their communion with him, even wholly external l' : they continu- ing to partake ofthe outward ordinances but without any tap or inward influence derived, without any inward work of the Spirit., or flirting ofaffe& ion : And anfwerable alto is their fruit, when no other are found on them, but fuch as you (hall finde grow