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16 il The Tryali of in receiving it, by doing all as in his strength, and fo do not do it as in him. But though they receive all, yet they work with it, as Wit were their owne flock, and fo glorie (as the Apostle fayes) a,s if thry had not received it. And thus though the lap and liveline«e which airs them, is really, and all efficiently from Chrilt, yet they may be faid to bring forth fruit in thenf lees, becaufe both they neither fetch nor receive it by faith, nor a&-by faith that strength received, as men that were acted by Chrift, and as working all in Chrilt, but they doe all, as if all proceeded from their owne root : Even as the Ivie, though it clafping a- bout the Oake, receives much lap from it, which it digesteth and turneth into it felfe, yet it brings forth all its berries by virtue of its owne root, rather then as in the Oake, which yet fuítaines and fupplyes it with juvice and lap ; whereas a true Be- leever brings forth fruit in Chrifd, as a branch that is in and of the nake it felfe, as its owne root , and fo from him all their fruit isfound, Hof. 14. S. he fetcheth his affittance from him where as the inward atfittance of another unfound branch is ftrengthened and fupported by pride , and felfe- fufficiencie of gifts and parts,and not derived by faith, and maintained by con- fidence. in Chrias ftrength to of all in them ; fo that, as it is faid of the Corinthians, that they raigned, but without us, fayes `Paulo So I may fay, Temporaries performe duties, and pray, but as without Chrif . But all true Beleevers are emptied first of their owne ftrength and ability, and fo walk as thole who can doe no- thing without Chrift, as thofe who are not able to love, beleeve one moment more without him. So Phil. 4. i 3. Iam able to doe all things, but through Chrift that ffrengtheneth me. And this they lay for a principle in their hearts which they walk by, which therefore Chrilt preffeth uponhis Difciplts here, as the maine requifite and fundamental) principle of Evangelicall Saa ifica- tion , Without me ye can doe nothing. And therefore fuch art one is fenfible of that curled felfe-fufficiencie in him, and hum. bleth himfelfe, checks himfelfe for it, as for as great and foule a fin as any other ; and humbleth himfelfe not onely for the want of what life, and stirring, &c. fhould have been in the duty fell fhort of, in performing it ; but alfo for that he fanftifiednot ChtiEt, in the strength he received to doe it with But another doth