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V/é. 2,. The 7ry4ll of away the finne to make them partakers ofhis bolineffe, and if by any meaner, as Paul fpeakes ofhimfelfe, as 'Phil. 3. be themeans what it will, it is no matter ; And God, if at any time he feemes to cut thee off , yet it is but as the incelluous Corinthian was cut off , that the flefh might be deflroyed , and the ffiirit faved. Ofencouragement to goe on fill to bring forth more fruit to God : For ifyou doe, God will not cut you off, he willffiare you as a man ffmres hisfonne that ferves him ; he will not take ad- vantage at every fault to caft one off. It was his owne Law, Dew. 20.19. that fuch trees as brought forth fruit fit for meat, they fhowld not deftroy when they came into an enemies coon. trey. Doth Gad take care of trees ? No, it was to teach us, that ifwe bring forth fruit, he will not defroy us, if it be fruit in- deed, fit for meat : Oakes bring forth apples, fuch as they are, and acorns, but they are not fit for meate ; fuch treees they might cut down So if thou bring not forth fuch fruit as is for Gods tafle and relifh, wherein thou fanetifief not God. and Chrif in thy heart, thou maiefi and wilt be cut downe, but elfe not ; If thoubeef betrothed to Chrifl, and he hath begotten children on thee, feare not a bill of divorce, he will not lightly caf thee oft : And it is a good argument toufe to him, de- fire him to fpare thee by all the children he hath begotten on thee : Children increafe love betweenman andwife, fo between Chrii and us. Doti. 6. That unfruitful! branches, God in the end cuts off, and the feverall degrees whereby he cuts off profeffors that are unfruitful!.. That unfruitful) branches god in the end takes away : As he did 1udas, who was here efpecially aymed at. For proofe, take Pfd. 125. It is a Pfalme made of purpofe to thew the different eílate of the profeffors of Religion : Thofe that are upright, ver. 4. he faith, God will continue to doe them good, and They (hall be as mount Sion, and all the gates ofhell (hall not be able to remove one of thofe moi, ntaines : But becaufe there are many, that like Planets goe the fame courfe with the other Orbe9, and yet have forage fecret by-way bd.-ides of their owne, of thefe he (ayes, Thafe that turnsafide intocrookedWáyes, God will lead them forth With