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a Chrifixians Growth. cuotas manner of converfions of Gods people ufuall in the Church. Theconverfion of force is more fudden and apparent, like the bringing of yofeph out of a dungeon into a marvellous glorious light. It is with a fudden change, which, therefore is ac- companied with a mighty violent inundation, and landfloud of humiliation for finne, encreafed with many graciois enlarge- ments and dews from heaven, which afterwards abating, and the dream felling and growing leffe, and comming to an ordi. nary channel!, and falling but unto fo much as the natural! fpring ofgrace (as I may fo call it) will ferve to feed, they then begin to call all into queliion for their want of growth. Others on the contray, whole converfion hath been infenfible, and carryed on with a Hill and quiet ftream, and have had a more leifurely, gentle thaw ; and their change from darkneffe to light hath not been fudden ; but as thebreaking forth ofthe morning, fmall at firfR, and not difcernable at what time day began then tobreak; thefe on the contrary are exercifed rather about the truth of the work begun, about the work of converfion it felfe, and the right beginningofall at firft;but their tentations arife not from a want ofgrowth fo much, for this to them is more evident and fenfible, being like the morning light whichgrows clearer and clearer to the perfect day,Prov. 4. Now obferve the different condition of thefe two forts ; The former of thefe hath a more apparent work at firtì:, toPhew, as the evidence of their ellate , but are apt through defertions, neglects , and carnali prefumption to call into queflion their progrefie in it, and from thence to queltion the truth of that fir[i work begun. The other on the contrary fees a confiant fpring and tlream increafing, but cannot thew the Wellhead, or when or where the fpring began. So that fo apparent a worke of grace begun , would become matter of afliarance to theone,but ischecked with want ofdifcerning growth anfwe- rabieto fuchbeginnings. But an apparent growth, and fail go- ing upof thebuilding, comforts the other, but yet fo as they Rill are apt to quettion whether the foundation ofInch abuilding be well and furely laid ; that they iregoing on further to per- fe&on, this they clearly fee, but whether they come in at the right gate, or no, that is thefcruple which ezercifeth.their fpiritso Thin 43