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48 The TryaII of 3. Though this let me withal( adde, that often by increafing in grace, a man increafeth in gifts, and for want of increafing in grace, gifts alfo doe decay. The Talents being used faithfully, were doubled, and unfaithfully, were leffened. And this confideration may help to anfwer force doubts and objeáions which forne Chrillians have about their growth, as btcaufe they cannot pray fo well as others, nor doe fo much fervice to the Saints as forne doe, therefore they bring forth leffe fruit. Thou mayefl bring more fruit for all that, if thou walkefl humbly in thycalling, and prayefl more fervently, though lefl'e notionally, or eloquently. Byhowmuch the more we are humble, prize cur felves leffeby them ; and use them in Chrifl, and for Chrifl, feeing they come all from him : the more we are contented to want them, and not envie others that have them ; fo much the more fruit we bring forth, even in the want of filch gifts. Againe, decay in gifts, as in old age, cloth not alwayes hinder men from bringing forth more fruit. Ac, although they cannot remember a Sermon fo well as they had wont, nor preach with that vigour, and vivacity, and quickneffe when they are old, nor be fo altive, stirring, forward, it followes not that they bring not forth more fruit. `David when he was old, could not governe the Kingdome, nor doe the Church that fervice he had done formerly, yet true fruit he might grow in, in regard ofhis perfo- nall carriage towards God for his own falvation. AMuiìtian when he is young, is able toCng fweetlier then when he is old ; or when his vigour decayes, his joynts grow lame, he cannot play as hehad wont; yet (lilt he may grow a better Mufitian;and have more skill, and frt better. Affec` ions, the quickneffe ofthm de- pends ranch upon bodily fpirits. 2. Secondly, our bringing forth more fruit, it is not to be meafu- red (imply by our fucceffe towards others in the exercise of thofe gifts (though that be called fruit alto : fo per.17.: o. they are called thefruit ofour doings : there are our doings, and the fruits- ofour doings; that is, the fucceffe which our (xamples, or gifts, or graces. have upon others; and fo the converfion of the fouls of then by the Apoftles is called by Chrifl theirfruit, john i 5. i 6.) yet limplyby this we are not to reckon our growth : for in fuc- ceffe