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a Chriftians Growth. 75 rnortifyed before, he had carryed himfelfe in his bell eftate with- out fecurity and carnal) rejoycing ; thus he fayes of himfelfe that he made not gold his hope , nor hM confidence, nor had rejoicedbe- caufe his wealth was great, 7ob 3 r. 2S. and anfwerably he behaves himfelfe in his worfc eftate with patience and thankfgiving. Fiftly, the more carnall confidence we have in the creatures, andbeare our (elves upon them, and have our fpirits flrengthned and upholden by them, the more want of mortification. The Corinthians, though godly , yet they were very unmortifyed, therefore the Apot}le fayes, they were rather carnall then ¡ iri- tuall, i Cor. 3, I. Now this their carnall mindedneffe, among other things, was expreffed in their carnall confidence they had inoutward things ; they had riches, and gifts, and=l,arning, and they did fwim in thefe ; and reigned and domineered in their owne thoughts, and excelled all other Churches in their owne opinions and fo defpifed others in cornparifon, they were car- ryed aloft by there waxen wings, which I take tobe theApoffles meaning, i Cor. 4.8. Now ye are full, nowye are rich, ye have reigned: they had riches, and gifts, &c. and they thought them- felves as Kings, full ofhapp:nei"fe, having the world afore them, and were filledwith conceits of it ; and I 'avoid to Cod you did reigne, fayes he : that is; that it were not regnum in capite, in your owne conceits oncly ; and that there were indeed fuch reali caufe to applaud your own conditions.We are of the CircurrA- ,cifion, fayes the Apoffle, and have no confidence in the flefh,Phil. r.3. The more the heart is truly circumcifed,. (of which he there fpeakes in oppofition to thofe who refted in outward circumci- fìon) it trufteth not, nor beareth not it felfe upon outward things, priviledges and endowments, as riches, bloud, credit,, learning,righteoufnefl"e ; thefe,when the heart is not circumcifed, doe puffe it up, but we, fayes he, have no confidence in the flefh, either for comfort, or for juflification, or any thing elfe ;, but We rejoyce in Chrifi.efits. Sixtly, the more full ofinvyings, and heart burnings againff others, and of breakings forth into fl?ife our hearts are, and of firivings and contentions to get the credit, or riches,or victory a- way from others,:&c. the more unmortified are our hearts,& the more need ofpurging. Thefe overfiowings of the gall and fpleeu, come 6.