Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

1{th1ughts. zot --- mans·natural! .inclination, · thanby this. · , Pirft, which .. yet firft- is _ as great a folly as ~ny- o~ ~ ther, imitating children herein; for is it not chil– difh to make clay pies,and pup~ets ~ what elfe are fuch fancies -as thefc~ and· to·· bee as ~ children aaing tile parts of Ladie~ and . Mifl:reffes , and yet fuch __ ehildifonejfe 1s in inens . I hearts. 2 ·. And fecoodly -, .. 2 v'ltniti t alfo , bccaufe a m2n fets - his heart on what u nfJI : the things themfclves are not, if- a ~~ ~an had them·,- l'r,v: 23. 5. but . to pleaie _thtmfelves with· fuppofi– . tions is :much worfe. F_3 Third.. I l (_ I i ,,