Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

of thoughts. · 103 ·--- idions. If thou !,aft Jene · , -, foolifhly ifJ lifting up thy _ ftlfe , or if thou haft thought eviO, ltty thinu / hand upon thy mouth. Now as fmiting upon the thigh is put . for repen- . ·tflnce and fhame and for– row in EJhraim, Ierem. .3r. 19,. fo is lttyi»g tht httnd . upon the mouth put for greater and dee- . 'per:· humiliation ~ as ar– ·guing full conviction of ones guilt, Romans 3· 19. Ev~ry mouth muft beflop-- ped. claving nothing t<;l . fay, not to plead .and excufe that thoughts are· free , and it is impoffi-:– ble to bee rid of them, , &c. but as E1jchic~ -16. ~ ~;. T1 remember andl to F4 he