Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

\ t t .1- .. , (' ' \. \ ; 1 c8 · The f'(J4YJitie becaufc f0 many, ,and ·fo ttJ»tinuAHy evi/t.-·, provo-· . ked 'him · more than ..-all tl1~ir other finnes. Goe downc:· therefore istothe ._heart', :tnd confiderthen1 : well , to humble· · thee,, to make thee vile, and : if in one roon1e fuch. a treafure of '\V·ickedneffe b~efot1nd laid :Up , w_hat · in all .thofe· other cham– ~ers · of the ·/Jelly, as S{)lo– mon calls them~ confider~ ·hem to hum,ble th~e, but · not fer~ all A this tl1eir: multitude- to· difcourage ,. thee. . For God hathmore; thoNgbts of mercy ,· in him, · than thou haft bad of rc:bellioa , . Pf1ilme 40• 5. Thy :thoughts . tiJ , us-wttrd,: ( fpeaking; of ·~ tho.ugbrs .of ~ ' \._ mer,;.. --~.. J •••• t .._ I l'r'lt