Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

· e The v ttniti t .IIo ~----------------- • .· fJUmedies againfl'l1aine Thoughts. THe firfi is-~o get th~· heart furn1fued and enriched with a good – frock of fandified and ·heavenly · knowledge in . fpirituall and heavenly ,truths : For " good man (faith Chrifi) hath 1t good treafore in his Hcart, Mat. · I 3. 35. that is,_he hath all graces , fo many pre– tious truths which are as_ Gold in the Ore, which his thoughts, as the Mint, cloth coyne and beat out) .' and which W@rds bring forth ----------------~~--- .