Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

1~20 . The vanitie · ~ ·may bring' forth go.od things :in fpeeches ., yet yvhen alo11.e , , t~eir :tlt(9t1ghts runne net ·on · them. ·For this .) t~ke a / .place of Scripture , Dettt. 6. 6; ·7· which Jhewes, layingup 'the Word in the heart , and b~ing much converfant in -it ) and getting knowledge • I eut of it, is an effectual! meaaes to .kecpe. our thoughts well exercifed when wee: are alone: for the ,endwhy thefe words are commartded t1ile l•id · ' np ·in the /,e~trt, vtr{e 5; 6. is, as to teach thea1 to others :~ fo,to take up our thoughts when wee are moft .retired; aad alone, and whe·n a man can do f'. - no..