Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

-r'-· c. ~ - .... ,, / ;,. r _......_........_ ..............________ ............__, to P:relerve a~d l<'<eepe~ tap~ · . liv~ly ·' holy, and fp_iri~ ~ tuall a:ffeltiotlS. .ip ·thy . r, a-nd. fufftr them not (to· coo(le::.•;·: p ·.a·lt ·not· . . , ' .fiom· thy 1lft'fo~ ~ love ·,·~ n,~r · "feare ·; nQr~ ;joy in: God ; ov if.. tho·u haft grown·e .· remiife , en4eaveur to recov·er ·. thofe·', affe&ions .: . againe. For.Hach···as -your,, affeCtions are-, fuch ne-_;, cefi:1rily mufl: · your thoughts bee : and they en.cline · the. :. ·,minde '~te thinke -o,f -fuc·h· or ·:(uGR · obje&s . .as ~:·· v"itl ·. jpldafe ·them,·rathe-t ~ others; th~refore ·faye~s~·. Davi4 ·, P.fallftl ~~~ JJ9:;~9Y-~f < _;y IJV arJ ~·f~:~1Je\thy ·~,;,~· J'· lt ~~~~ my Medi_tation - ~~y · ;,nd··nigll~. ·. It., was · his love to 1t . ·. . . Gz made· I ' I ,, \'