Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

of thoughts. · manife.tls. what I conti- ~ nuall apprehenfion. hee· · . had ofGods (;i-earneffe, ··· Majdl:y , and Omaipre- , feuce; and , what effect . had this ·?-· When I awake I 4m-- even hefore thee, · verfo - I - 7~ _Looke what objects - they are, have , mofi: frrong and deepc: _imprcf~ions in the mind , ·.of th_o_fe when a man avvak~fh , hee thinkes et ; firfi:. · Now fuch ftrong impteffions h~d- 1;Javids thoughts of God , that · 'flill when bee awaked , bee' was with ' llim; ~ad therefore we finde it by experience to bee a meanes to avoid difl:ra- . dions i~1 prayers, to en-· /. · _ large ·a mans thou~hts G4 in /