Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

.. . _,.."- ----. '1'.~ . h_ . ;v:nitie_ . . ~ ', it were )witH many and 1 la·rge roo.roes f :entertain. and lodge multitudes of Gqeftsin; intowhich,be– fore canverfion , all the vaine,light, wanton, .prot phane,diffolutcthoughts, - t'hat ;pofie up and downe the World ( as yout~ ,._ . , thoughts doe) ~ad rurine :· ryot all the day,havefree, · , . , ,open acceffe ~ the heart keeps openhoufetothem, gives ~hen1 willillg,cheer– '" ·fulJ :\velcome, and ehrer– tainment ; a_ccompanies~ them, travels o' re all .the " wor!q . for tl1e --daiatiefi pleafur~s to feed"' them 'witrl; L1dgeth:J harbours -~ : tllen1, an,d:tbere they, _like .. u-nruly _Gallants, ·and ·~-toyI fl:et~, t~Jge' and revcli -~t , ::· · · - · · day '.. . I 3 I unw 1 - . -·- iliililiililll -- .a~~ - -~ ... •• . a ;. && ~ s w :eea_-::-..£1tj&¥!i.h#J.::W.C.-~.• sa_,..._ ..