Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

.The vanitie .. .....,...._,..,..., --· __ ,__ ____ .... ______ in his prepa.ratiops ~ 'be– fore ,. or at the begin– ning with a confiderati · o.n. of Gods attributes . ..,., and.relations to us : and · it will and doth make us . ·_ferious. ·. .. · F·ourthly--, ~fpecially doe this when thou a.- .· I · wakefl , as .David did tl1ere , when I .Awakt l am ftill with th~e , to · .prevent winde )Vhich a- · .rifctll from- cmptipeffe· ~ men ufe to take a ~oo~d . •draught in the morning, 'vhich the ftomack feeds; .fo . to . prc:veat thofe .vaine , . windy, frothy tl1oughts the heart na- ,tul'ally ingenders , and which arife from emp~ _tineffe ; . fir.~ fill thy · heart