Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

8 The vanilie · and labours: Butth~vAni-. I J • tie 1[1ur thotJgbtJ, arc as 1nultiplyed much ·in us, this littlt wlr/J.affoords/· · more "arietiesof vanities., than the Great. · Our thoughts made the rreac· . tNrts fohjeEI to ~lJ-~tnitie, 'Rom. 8. ~~:p· . therforethem~ -'fclves ate fubjeet to vanicr ty much more. In hand.~ lin~ of them I will !hew you, 1 •. what is meant by Thl»gkts. ~- · WhAt ·byv4-. niiy. 3· ·,ThAt Du, t~'ughti •re. vllise. /4· Wherein that vanity doth confifi> ~ · both in th~ -general!, and fome particulars. . . · Firfi,_ \V hat is mtAitt by . thlr;ghts _, efpccially as .theyare the intendt?d fub– jetl: of this difcourfe , • which