Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

./ ' ;; ., ! ~ - l: 1 '11 ' .' ' ·~ I ' f. ' ' The vanitie And fo aenef 6. 5. - #ve~ ry ·imagfnation of t!Je ~houghts , (em-ne. ftgmen .. tum) all tfie creatures the .. . .miade fra1nes \vithin it ·_ (elf,.. purpofes, defires, &c~- . (as-it is noted in tL1e mar~ gin) . are evill; \V here by .: thoughts are underfl:ood =~ all that tomes 1YJithirt- the , _~~i~~e,(;~.s E'{!ch.. r 1.. 5.the · -·phr~fe is,). and fo indeed.. _we ufe it~~nd un– derfiand it, fo To remem- . _ b~r·a man').is.. , -to thinke of · him~ Gen.4o. 14 .. to have p~rpofeda thing,wee fay,r thought to doe i-t. T0 take -c~re about a bufines, is to~· tt~lie thought, I S~t,m·. 9• 50 . ~And 'the reafon, why all ntay thus bee ·called the ·· th~~tght.s, is, be~ca~fe indeed .