Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

t 1- (, ·. ~----------------- : '' ,.Jv toy1urw~rle~s, but untCJ , ;· :--~:' ,. ptirpofcs and -~ntents , fo .Hellr. 4· rz. as the Seule ~ ·and j}irit, fo thoughts and· in·tents feeme·tobe oppo- .fed. A'ld !()h 20. 2·, 3. · ~ · Th1ughts are appropriated \· to the Spirit ·of ttnderftan .. lli•K• And againe yet more ftrietly , for -in th.e underflan·ding I'mean no·t to fpeake of,~enera.IIy,aH I . , ··.thoughts th·erein, rreither, .. .asnet ofth·e reAfonings or · ' '1 ~ I ' ! • . del1ber~t·tion~f· in our atl:i- - . ons : /but tbofa .mufi?Jgs: -on~ly ·in the ., Spe&sliltive.~ ·p~rt~ . . . \ . . And fo, I-caa no other~ . wife.. e:xp·reffc· them to. · .you ;. than ·thus-. Tl1·ofe: · fame firft , ~ore jimple · con~eits, AJrprehenjions that . · ,. -· ·· arife ';, ; ... • • .... 1 . ... . ••• is:ae . :;;:; ·