Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

If ~------ The vttnitie ' . ·~ ! ------------·---- . !bout them; this I n1eane by thot<tghts. · For befides . that reA(oning pO\Ver, areli– berating power., .whereby we ask~ our felves conti- . nually, whatfha_ll wie doe? anp whereby wee rc;afon and difcuffe things, \vhich is a more inward.clofet , : the Cabinet and · p.riv4,e councell: of the h~eart , there is a more, out\vard lodging , .. that p.refence .·. I chamber, whieh enter- . 1 taines·allcommers which . ' - ~ .<is the thit;king·>meditat,ing, , mufing:·- power in man , I which fu-ggefteth matter ·for·deliberations,and con- / fultations., a-nd reafonings, .: which .holds the ohj~lls till : weview them-, whiehen- .~ ~tertaineth allthat come to · ' .~ fpeake ;