Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

15 · . lfthoughts. · 1 fPeake withanyofour af- --- :feet ions. I.: 2. I ad.:de, '"hieh, the– ·mindeffameswithin it felf, : .fCLthe Scripture expref- ·feth their original! to us, and their rnaner of rili-ng, , .Pro·v. 6 ~ r 4· Frowttrdnes_ is in hu heart,.fabricatur, he forgetk 'f'Ji[chiefe,as .a S1nith doth Iron , ham. - n1ers it ·out : and _ the ·· t,houghts are the lnateri– alls .of this fro.wardntffc:· in us; upon all the tl11ings whi,ch are prefented to us,. ·· t~he minde begets forne thoughts)ifll:aginatior~s on(.· them ; and as ltljts , fo t hottghts are con~eiv~d., la1nes I. IfoJ .)9·4· . They . conteive mi(chiefe , . and' firing forth iniquitie, .and· . h4JC,~ .'