Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

20 / fancy,thus \>egets and·en- - tertaincs , 11>ecaufe there are A0 t~96ghts ·or like~ _. – ne£res 9f things at any ' ' · time in our fancies, but atthe fame time they a~e in the u.nderftandingalfo re. fiea:cd unto it : As when t\vo Lobking~ 'glaffcs are placed oppofite -and nigh, · each toother, looke what ·· fpecic:s appeares in. the I .. mte· doe alfo in; the o-- . "" ......... ~ , · 'ther. Secondly , let us fee what va11itie is, take it in · all t11e accep~ations of it;. It is true of our,thoughts .- · thaeth·ey .~re v4inc.~ r r. It is.i~~er:t io:e-unpro~ jtahleneffe. Sb Ecclef I. 2 1 . 3· vi/! is VttrJity, becauf.e · 1 there is ~o prafit in them, I . - under